My squadron is called the Gryphons. A gryphon is a mythological creature that is top half eagle and bottom half lion. My flight's name within the Gryphon's is the Gamblers. So, we needed to make a t-shirt with a picture on it. At first a clip art picture of some cards was chosen for our picture, but I couldn't let that happen. I told them I would draw a picture...and here is the final product! I dew a gryphon with a royal flush.

We wear these shirts a couple of times a week... usually when we have a flight challenge (game). Oh, by the way, we play this game called Icarus. It is an Air Force game that has a LOT of rules. Its one of these nerdy games that combines mind skills, with physical ability. We played our first game this week and beat the other team 34-3. We were awesome. That win also gave our flight the top flight honors for the week!
This week coming up will be alot of fun. We have a fun "out" day on Monday. Another "out" day on Tuesday. Special Operations brief on Wednesday. Icarus on Thursday. Friday is not that great, but I am coming home that day. I think this will be my last weekend in town before the move.
OOhhh... I also got my real ID this week! I'm official. Also, my orders finally came through on Friday (I needed those to start getting paid). All I have left to do for in-processing is give blood and get shots.