Well, I’m back to good ole Del Rio after a two week visit to New Orleans!!! Two weeks may sound like a long time to most people, but it doesn’t seem that way when you’re the one visiting. There’s never enough time to do everything, see everyone, or eat at all your favorite places!!! It’s funny because I get a little stressed at times trying to decide who to do what with and where to go and when. The problem I run into is that everyone works!! So when I’m there for that many days, I really only have two weekends…and everyone wants to get together on the weekend!! Haha! Everything usually works out!! I’m not complaining, I’m grateful to be pretty much “fully booked” every time I visit!! I wish I could see everyone every time I come to town, but it’s really hard. So, if I’ve missed you this time, I’ll catch you next time ; ) And don’t hesitate to call if you know I’m visiting….

I did so much and ate so much during my visit!! I’ll tell all…if I can remember that far back!! I left Del Rio on a Tuesday and spent the entire day in my car with Dallas. It took us about 10.5 hours to get to my parent’s house. My mom cooked cabbage (I love cabbage!) & she made a cheesecake…my favorite!!

Wednesday was a l-a-z-y day for me! I was a couch potato all day long!! Wednesday night my mom & I met Mia & Alex at Sake for dinner!!! We don't have sushi in Del Rio. It was fun hanging out with my sis-in-law & cousin Alex!! On Thursday I went to lunch with my friends from Stewart Enterprises I used to work with. It was my friend Lisa’s last day so it was good to catch up & share her last day lunch with her…we ate Crawfish Raviolis from Cheesecake Bistro…& we had White Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake!! It was just as I remembered...delicious! After lunch, I went back to the STEI building & said hello to some friends & ex co-workers of mine. I was there for 3.5 hours!!! I told them I should’ve been paid for a full day of work! It was really nice talking with everyone there! On Thursday night, my mom & I got mani’s & pedi’s…she treated me (thanks mom!).
On Friday, I went to lunch with my friend Crystal at La Madeline…we used to go there for lunch all the time when I worked at STEI. Good times! On Friday night, my mom, dad, & I went to dinner with family friends Becky & Tommy. We went to Zea’s – mmm mmm good! We were there a while & then sat on the outside furniture reminiscing about old times for an hour or so…I love old stories!!
On Saturday, my mom & I spent the day together & shopped around Oak Street & went to a few places we unfortunately don’t have back in Del Rio. It was a nice day!!
On Sunday, we (mom, dad, Becky, Tommy, & myself) drove to Mississippi and launched Tommy’s boat and ventured out to Ship Island…a little beachy area in the gulf. We had a great time! The weather was beautiful & we saw porpoises swimming around! I’m still like a little kid when I see things like that!! Oh! Funny story…so we were sitting on the beach & we were watching this little girl catching things in a net with her dad. Well, they caught a needlefish & she put it in her bucket that was filled with water. After she caught that fish, she left her dad in the water to do all the work while she watched the fish in the bucket. She picked up the poor fish like every minute & held it & looked at it for about 30 seconds each time she took it out the water. It was so funny…& sad all at the same time! Then her sister joined in…they took turns picking it up, looking at it up close, & putting it back in the bucket! The poor fish was being tortured! Then the dad caught a few more fish…and those kept jumping out of the bucket!...I think the needlefish was telling them to jump for their lives!! It was cute because they were having a blast!

On Monday, Labor Day, we all just hung out at the house & took it easy all day & that evening we walked down to Ms. Candice’s house & went for a swim…with Sandi (my mom & dad’s new puppy). Sandi is a yellow lab, my mom found her close to the house about a month or so ago & she was skin & bones. The vet said she was a healthy dog, but she’s starving to death. Well, she isn’t starving any more! She’s filled out & happier than ever & she loves swimming!!!
On Tuesday, no one was available for visiting so I just unpacked, washed clothes, & hung out with the dogs. That night I went to dinner with my friends Dori & Val. I used to bartend with them at Jiggers. We went to Copeland’s & had a great time!! After dinner, I went to the bar my friend Kim works at & visited with her for a little while. I have no clue how I bartended for so long…I couldn’t take the smell in there!! When I left, I reeked! Oh well, the money was good!

On Wednesday, I rode with my mom to her office – we had plans that night & didn’t want to have two vehicles – I do have to say, I was so car sick! Haha! I’m used to going 30 mph in the city of Del Rio, or 20 mph on base!!! I’m not used to traffic, stopping & going, switching lanes, etc.!!! As a matter of fact, I was driving my mom around a few days before & I stopped for 3 seconds at a stop sign (which is what we do on base)…& she was like “you’re not in Del Rio anymore! You’re going to get rear ended!” So, it took me about a week or so to get used to driving around the city again…it scares me! Over here everyone is laid back...with nowhere to go apparently!
That day, I visited with the Oddo’s & Uncle Jack at Majestic. I missed Mr. Pete though :( Later that afternoon, Mia & I went to Granny & Grandpa’s…I had a few peanut m&m’s on Coy’s behalf!! After visiting with Granny & Grandpa, I picked my mom up from work & we went to dinner with a few of her work friends at New Orleans Food & Spirits…fried shrimp, crawfish rolls, & miller light! What more could you ask for?! Everything was yummy!!
…Then we got SNOWBALLS!!! Oh how I’ve missed real snowballs!! In Del Rio, we have shaved ice…they’re so crunchy. AND, since we’re so close to the border the only toppings you can get are la lachera & chili powder! Hah! So it was really nice to have a cherry with condensed milk...well, not “a”…I actually had like 4 or 5 during my time there! I know!!!

Thursday…WHOOOO DAAAATTT!!!! My friend Kara invited me over to watch the game and so did my Aunt Charlet & Uncle Kenny. So, I went to Kara’s before the game started and visited with them for a little while & then I went to my Aunt & Uncle’s to watch the game with my mom & dad!! It was great because they wanted to order pizza, but the pizza place didn’t have the order ready…or they were really busy & didn’t get to it yet! Long story short, DiGiorno never tasted so good!! Thank goodness my aunt & uncle had a frozen pizza in their freezer!! Haha, and my parents picked up some boneless wings from Rally’s & also brought a Black & Gold King cake…and my Aunt whipped up this yummy spicy buffalo chicken dip. It was the best dinner! Honestly, I got there after everyone else & I had no clue it was DiGiorno until they told me!! The SAINTS won & the night was complete!

On Friday, my mom, dad, & I went to the shooting range. I’ve gone with my dad before, but it’s been a while, and it’s never too late to brush up on your shooting & aiming skills! It was so much fun! The people who worked there gave my mom & I t-shirts so the casings wouldn’t go down our dresses…and my t-shirt said top gun! Haha. It is a little scary in there when you’re shooting next to complete strangers who also have loaded weapons. When I was a really little Buzzy (as my dad would say) I knew my dad’s guns were a “no no”. And when I was old enough to understand he taught me all about his weapons & weapon safety. I mean, I was probably not even 10. I got my first pellet gun when I was 9!

Well, at the shooting range, in one of the other lanes, a guy was there with his girlfriend, I guess. And they were pretty dangerous. I mean, she was shooting all over the place, & he wasn’t teaching her a thing! It was the first time I was ever nervous around guns. Luckily no one was hurt….but it made me extremely thankful that my dad taught me how to aim & what you do & don’t do, etc.
Many people don’t like guns…but I think it’s a good idea to have a little bit of knowledge on how to handle them just in case you do decide to purchase one in the future. I’m sure this was that girl’s first time shooting…and she thought it was funny that she was 100% missing the target…totally not a laughing matter! Oh well, they weren’t there for that long, and we had a good time!! I still learn from my dad…even at 27 years old!
Oh! If you know my dad, you know he's always on the phone!!! So, while in the shooting range, his phone rang....& he answered it! My mom & I were cracking ip laughing!!! There were people in the other two lanes shooting & he was on the phone!!! So funny...and so my dad! I guess it's a good thing...he always answers!!!
On Friday, Coy’s mom flew into NOLA and we all went to dinner. Mrs. Dianne misses her shrimp, so we went to the seafood place by the Esplanade mall (I can’t ever remember the name). We had boiled shrimp & crabs!!! Also a delicious meal!!! It was a short visit with Mrs. Dianne, but I’m glad we were able to get together!!
On Saturday, I went to lunch at the best Mexican restaurant ever!! Caretta’s!! I met a few friends I used to dance with for VooDoo…Bridget, Rachel, & Courtney. We all drank a margarita (except Bridget...she's expecting!) & had a blast catching up with each other.
On Sunday, I took my Godchild, Bryce, to Jaeger’s. There’s an appetizer there called “Cindy Fries”…I brought him there the first time I came in for a visit & we were wondering who Cindy was…so we decided to name them “Bryce & Nanny Fries”. We decided that every time I visit we’ll go to Jaeger’s together for Bryce & Nanny fries!! Sunday night I just hung out at home & we ate some home made chili for dinner!!
On Monday, I ran around all day running last minute errands for my departure on Tuesday. I also stopped at Tastee’s & picked up a McKenzie’s Blackout Cake for an early birthday celebration for my mom. Her birthday was not until that Thursday. So, Monday night, my mom, dad, & I went to Copeland’s to celebrate her birthday & then we had Blackout Cake when we went home!! I’m so glad Tastee’s has continued our McKenzie’s favorites!!!
On Tuesday, I drove home – made good time & picked up some Taco Bell in Uvalde (an hour from Del Rio) for dinner….Coy was pumped!!
So, I had an awesome time while in New Orleans and I saw many friends I didn’t get to see the last 2 times I visited, that was nice. My mom always sends me back to Del Rio with some goodies!! I love bringing home goodies!!! Mama Oddo sent me back with 4 bags of candy corn for Coy!!! So he was pretty happy about that!!!
Well, we have 3 more weeks until Coy drops and 5 more weeks until he graduates!!! We are both so excited!!! I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments!! Where will we go next?!!!!! We can’t wait!!!! Until next time, thanks for reading my post!!
P.S. Happy Anniversary this month to Granny & Grandpa!!!
& Happy Birthday to...Mr. Charles, My Mom, Chantel & Brennen, cousins Erika, Hank, & Josh, Nanny Gay, Ms. Candice, Dori, & Mama Oddo!!!