Superwoman! |
Lookin good!!! |
I know I know...., you all wanted to see what the dresser looks like now that it's "complete". Kristen hasen't sent me any updated pictures of it! But I have seen it on Skype.....and let me tell you. She did an AWESOME job! It is a brand new dresser! I'm proud of her. Maybe she'll send me a picture so I can share it with everyone. The picture I have here is after stain but before polyurethane... it looks even nicer now!
Courtney and Kristen |
The games used to be packed! Sad......... |
The VooDoo had their second to last home game this weekend. Kristen went. They suck this year. I think it's because they don't have Courtney and Kristen dancing for the Dolls and me not being their mascot, but my opinion could be a bit skewed.
Pilot #38 for your viewing pleasure |
Well, as you can see in the title, I've moved to pilot number 38! I'm done with the 40's. It is kinda moving fast over here. I feel like I just got here yesterday with #57 on my sleeve and now I'm #38....wow. The time is moving fast because I never stop over here. If I'm flying, which is everyday lately, the hours just roll by. I just wake up, work out, bus to work, brief, eat, fly, debrief, eat, bus home, shower, sleep......rinse....repeat. Haha. Everyday. Time is flying!
This week I got a package from my squadron. It was really nice of them (whoever its from over there). There are two of us here from Dover and we both got a package from the 9th. It was filled with the most randomly awesome stuff. Like 4th of July decorations, soap, chocolate, gum, cookies, mini sports balls and random candy....haha. It was pretty funny opening it. But everything in the package found a home. It was nice of them.
I also got a package from mother-in-law this week. I got some Mio (water flavoring). That stuff is a hit over here. Actually, all water flavoring is popular over here. Sometimes it feels like prison with water flavoring. It's sometimes used as currency around the squadron to acquire different things. Good times.
Here is our lead sensor operator with Old navy boxers on! Haha. |
Someone/business sent us a bunch of huge boxes filled with Old Navy clothes. Anything and everything from Old Navy. I think they just went to a few Old Navy's and raided their clearance section. Some people have been taking underwear/boxers and socks, but that's about all we can use that they sent us.....sad..., and funny at the same time. Haha.
Jolly Greens..., their motto is "So others may live" |
We had a tour of the "Jolly Greens" offered to us if we could make it out to them this week.. I really wanted to go and the tour fell right after I landed so it was perfectly timed! The Jolly Greens are the Air Force's rescue helo's. They are the dudes that will come and pick up downed pilots (so we love them). Those dudes are so BA! They fly at 50' off the round. They have a duty to bring downed pilots or critically battlefield injured soldiers to ROLE3 (hospital) within one hour of the call......which is tough if you think about the scenario here: The heat, dust, mountains oh and people shooting at you. They sleep at the squadron and get the helos all ready to go with their equipment. There is two pilots, one gunner, one gunner/flight engineer, and three PJ's (para rescue jumpers) <--- Those dudes are the cool ones. They go thought two years of training before they become certified. They can't drink alcohol during their training. They are EMT's, commando's, and just BA's all rolled into one. They all have HUGE ego's and walk around like their sh*t don't stink...., but if you think about it, that's who you would want rescuing you, right? They are all in the gym all the time and pretty much all look like superheros. Oh, and the guns on this thing......50 cals!!! Holy crap, do not get in their way! I can't discuss mission details, but lets just say I've seen these dudes in action......and you don't want to be on the receiving end of their business.
Me and my buddy Vipul |
50 calibers of whoop ass! |
Oh, and we learned in SERE a few months back that if you are in a downed pilot scenario and these dudes come to get you its actually not that pleasant of an experience. They are there to do a job. And they are watching out for their safety also...., so, when they pick you up they treat you like the enemy until they can verify that you are who you say you are (and ca prove it) because the enemy could have killed you and put on your uniform or anything.....they don't know. And after seeing some of these dudes it makes me never want to go down...., because I'd be scared of being handled by them, just sayin'.
In closing this week: If there's one thing I've seen down here and/or now become aware...., our military is BA! We have almost perfected this war thing. Even your their turf and by their rules. We still are winning the game. And the score is not even close. I almost start feeling bad for these dudes that we go after because they have ZERO chance. We are that good at what we do. They can run, but then they'll just die tired. Even if they know we are looking for them they can try to run, but now they'll die tired and scared. Point is...., this machine (the coalition forces) can't be stopped over here. These dudes need to put down their weapons and move back to their own countries. The end.
Dallas being bad climbing on the sofa to get her food on the table.....BAD DOG! |