15 July 2012

C-5M pilot and house almost finished!

It's been a while peeps!

Kristen has been here with me for the past month.  It's been great spending time with the love of my life.

Our house:

It's almost done!  We're closing on the 31st of this month. Both of us are super excited to finally have our own place again.  It's been a long 20 months since we've had our own place.  Landscaping should be done this week.

This is me in the airplane and Kristen filming.

I had my check ride in the plane a few weeks ago.  I passed and now I'm a C-5M pilot.  It's officially my sixth different airplane that I've flown and been check out in since joining the Air Force.  This past week I went on my first mission.  It was a blast!  We flew some cargo into the sandbox and some cargo out.  It is such a different role than my past airplane, but totally awesome at the same time.
Since it was my first mission the crew messed with me.  When we landed one day half way around the world I found my bag was tied up to the bottom of the crew stairs.  I nu-strapped it from the stairs and found that my locks were cut off and some new wire was put on it.  I cut the wire off and opened my bag.  I opened it only to find that all of my clothes, except one pair of underwear was taken out and replaced with chains and blankets.  Haha.  I was amused....., a little.  Then I noticed that my wheels were taken off......geeez.  By this time the crew (there were 14 of us total) were all yelling at me to hurry up and get in the crew bus.  Of course they were just trying to rush me and keep the prank going, but I'm sure they were a little tired also since we just spent 17 hours flying.  So I got on the bus...., with no clothes (except one pair of underwear).  I was pretty mad at this point because people were talking about going off base to see some sights.  I just pouted.  My clothes were finally given back to me when I was walking into my room in a garbage bag.  I decided not to go with the guys off base.  I didn't want to have anything else happen to me that day.  Maybe next trip I'll be able to enjoy my time off.
When we landed back at Dover some fluid dripped on to the brakes, which were very warm, and made some smoke.  Well, that started a chain reaction which led to the fire dept. showing up at our plane when were exiting.  It was funny because I had the last leg (I had the takeoff and landing on that leg of the flight).  So of course they're all like, "What'd you do"?!  Haha.  That was a perfect ending.

New guy stuff aside, the trip was a lot of fun.  Not to mention that I had more combat sorties than any other person in the plane.

In a few weeks I'll have some pictures of the house with our stuff in it!