17 June 2012

Nascar, surprise Kristen, Kara's wedding, insulation, stucco, Philly, Kristen's here and sheetrock!!!

Soooooo... long time no speak....
So, on Memorial Day I volunteered at Dover Downs racetrack.  It's called the "Monster Mile".  It is the site of a Nascar race twice a year.  I volunteered through my squadron.  They pay us a small amount and our squadron gets the money to help pay for parties and stuff around the year.  My job was to set up tents and load up the vending stands with hot dogs, nachos and stuff like that.  Not an ideal way to spend Memorial Day, but with no Kristen here it had to do.
Next weekend I flew to New Orleans and surprised Kristen after her friend Kara's wedding rehearsal dinner in the French Quarter.  It was a pretty good surprise, but she had an inclination that I was coming to New Orleans..... She's good.
That weekend was great.  I was able to see my Dad, sister, in-laws, one set of grandparents, the Oddo's as well as go to the wedding, reception and spend time with the wifey.
The house came along a little more during that week.  The insulation and stucco went up.
The next weekend I went to Philadelphia for the weekend to see a monster truck show and a few sights.  Philly was pretty cool.

This week Kristen came up to Dover!!!  Yaaayyy!!!!!

Kristen and her tray ceiling that she wanted... haha.
Me in our tiny tub
Also, this week the drywall starting going up..., We got walls!!!

I have my first C-5M flight this Wednesday!  Getty up.
Till next time.  See ya'!!!


  1. Dallas rocks! Love you, Aunt Cindy

  2. Great house pics! So excited for yall! I remember when we built our house! Lots of stress but lots of excitement! So glad yall are together! Enjoy! And Dallas is very bright! Just think how smart yall's kids will be!
    Love you!

  3. I hope u keep the blog going, it would be awesome to see your experience flying around the globe.
