13 December 2009

Week 10 of 54

Well.., I finally got over my airsickness (for the time being at least).  I had three flights this week.  I didn't throw up once. Yaaaay! 

I am probably going to have my solo ride on Wednesday or Thursday. 

This weekend Kristen and I just took it easy.  We went to Wal-Mart on Friday night to buy soft drinks for my squadron.  Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned this ever.  I am the snacko (snack officer) for my flight.  And for the first 6 weeks of phase II, I'm the snacko for the whole squadron as well.  It's may not sound like it..., but it's a very important job.  Anyway, I have to keep the snacks stocked.  I buy the drinks, and the other guy who splits it with me buys the food.  Can you believe that we buy $200 worth of soda each week!  It's crazy.

This weekend I also painted our solo tank.  It's tradition to get thrown into the tank after your solo flight.  I should be all wet and freezing.... geeeesh.  Wish me luck. We are class 11-01 so we say that we are 11-O'FUN.  And my flight is the Aces, and our sister flight is the Falcons.

Kristen and I are very homesick right now.  I am trying to stay focused for this next week and a half....., but I hardly can't.  I can't wait to see family and friends in a a week and a half!!!  And eat are "real" restaurants.

1 comment:

  1. yayyyyyyyyyyyy for coming home. I am so excited.
    good luck this week!!
