14 January 2010


Well...., since I last updated this blog, the 4th of Jan, Kristen and I have each had a birthday.  Yaay!.  Not to special though.  We never seem to make a big deal about our birthday.  I don't mind it.  I actually prefer it.  Now, if other people want to make a big deal about it for me that's OK.  But Kristen and I never get that excited......  Oh well.  Haha.  Thanks to facebook.com everyone in my class knew it was my birthday anyway and wished me a good one.  Kristen's parents sent us a king cake.  That was awesome!!!  We shared it with our neighbors.  It was funny....one of our neighbors kept calling it a kings cake instead of a king cake.  Its a little difference but if you are from New Orleans like us and have always heard it pronounced one way..., then Kings cake sounds funny.  On that subject..., today I brought a praline for lunch (sugar and pecans).  I had another student, from Baltimore,  call it a prAline.  Haha.  Nothing like New Orleans.  Gotta love it.

OK, back to updating our lives.

It was back to work two Tuesdays ago.  The first day was not bad.  They eased us back into it.  It was no flying for the students that day.  They let just IP's fly and get their feet wet first.

We started to fly on Wednesday.  Well..., everyone else started to fly on Wednesday..., but not yours truly.  Myself and one other student are way in front of the rest of the class  in terms of flights.  So I think that they are letting us "sit" a while and let everyone else catch up.  I did get to fly that first week back.  Your first flight after a five day break in training is usually a "free" (non-graded) flight.  So I had one of those.  It was nice because I didn't have to stress about it.  My stomach started to feel a little queezy up there so I made a quick RTB (return to base).  Oh well.  Not as much practice as I wanted but it would have to do.

Last Friday our base had a drop night. A drop night is a ceremony/party where the outgoing pilot training class, two weeks before graduating and getting their wings, learns their official plane that they'll be flying..., and what base they'll be moving to.  It happens basically every three weeks around here.  It's a big fun party.  Free beer and a lot of fun. Mine is 8 Oct of this year!

This week started on Sunday!  Yeah.., it sucks.  But we are a few days behind in our training so the commander ordered us to come in on Sunday like it was a normal week day.  I've never done that before.....and just as I imagined.... it sucked.  This week I had only one flight again.  This one counted though.  And..., my IP was with the second guy in charge of our squadron!  Woah.  I'm not one to get nervous about that kind of stuff though.  It was fun.  And I had a good flight. 

This week our flight lost our first person.  His name is Doug.   He's a great guy who doesn't deserve to be kicked out.....not yet.  He is being put up for commanders review because he can't overcome his air sickness.  He throws up every flight.  He is my buddy over here.  I hope everything works out for him and his fiance. I'll miss him.  I ope the AF gives his a good new job.

The weather over here has been crappy.  It rained today.  But we can fly in the rain.  Its the cloud deck.  It hangs soooooo low all the time.  We need at least 2000 ft off the ground with no clouds before we can start flying (others can fly..., but we have not been cleared to fly through the weather yet).  So it's been crappy. And the temperature has been crazy!  I took a few pictures of my temperature reading from my trucks thermometer here one morning.  One says 24 degrees and one says ICE.  Just ICE..?  It must have been to cold for my truck to know what the hell was going on.  So much for global warming.  Al Gore should have to pay back all of the money that he ever made about global warming.  Haha. He's a joke.

Well..., not too much else going on over here.  Three day weekend coming up here.  Thanks MLK.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you.
    Sorry to hear about your getting ill again while flying. Great seeing you at the Oddos on New Years Eve. Wishing you all the best.
    Uncle jack
