14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Well Kristen and I are officially living out of hotel rooms once again.  It's so funny.
Dallas in the back seat on the way up to Mississippi
Dallas in the front seat (where she thinks she belongs)
Kristen brought dallas up to Mississippi because our hotel is dog friendly...... but as it turns out our dog is not hotel friendly.....yeah.  The first night Kristen got there with Dallas we tried to go out to eat.  As soon as we closed the hotel door behind us Dallas started crying, yelping and barking.  It was loud and ridiculous! So she won and we went and got her out of the room.  We were going to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings with our friends and we didn't want to let Dallas be the reason why we couldn't....so...... we put her in the car and parked it outside of the restaurant.  I know... we're horrible!
Fire pit at The Bulldog on Magazine St.
Us at The Bulldog on a pretty day
This was just to awesome!  A van ran through the side of a building.  Classic!
So officially Dallas won that battle and I had to ask to go back to New Orleans the next day to bring Dallas back home.  But it turned out Ok because Tori and Mike came along for the ride this time and we were able to see more of New Orleans and hang out.  And the weather was beautiful!

Ice Ice Baby
Our reflections in the glass while it was snowing.
The rental got it bad
The cold weather followed me once again!  It snowed in Mississippi! It iced (if that is actually a weather phenomenon) for two days, then it snowed!  Freekin' ridiculous!
You can see my shadow and Kristen looking at the lake....it's really nice out there.
Kristen and I found this great lake in Mississippi real close to our hotel that has a paved track along the banks and a bunch of hiking trails. It's so pretty.  So we'll probably be spending some time there for the next couple of months.
I'm 2 or 14!
Proud parents
Dog safe ice cream
I'll give you a hint...it squeaks
Long day
Dallas had her 2nd birthday two weeks ago.  She had her fiends over for cake, ice cream and to watch her open her presents.  She was tired by the end of the party.  Next year we'll have a keg party since she can drink by then.
Happy Valentines Day!
I am off today, Valentine's Day, I have class tomorrow and Wednesday.  Kristen and I will leave Mississippi on Thursday morning to drive towards Dover AFB.  But we'll stop in Washington DC for a few days for a mini vacation along the way.  It ought to be fun!  We'll take pictures of everything.  See ya next time.


  1. good hearing from your blog again, was starting to get withdrawl symptoms

  2. can you define any further Medical Assistant Schools in MS? I am still in vague about the topic though.
