17 April 2010

Track select night pushed back

Let me start off with the biggest news I guess..., My track select date has been moved back from this Friday 23 April, to Tuesday 27 April due to bad weather this past week.  I have 10 flights left in the T-6!  All of them are formation so that's fun.  Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.
In the military we use our ID cards to get on base and sign into computers.  You pretty much need them on your person all the time.  A joke that always gets played out is when someone leaves their CAC (Common Access Card) in a computer or on a desk.  That person is screwed.  If you forget it as you are walking out of the door to go fly thats really bad news because now your CAC is left alone for at least two hours! A lot of bad things can happen to your CAC in two hours.  Usually we just put clear a perfectly cut piece of clear tape over the computer chip that way the next time they go to use it the computer won't read it.  Or we tape it to the ceiling, freeze it in a cup of water, or just hide it.  Its always fun and games if you forget your CAC.  This week one of my flightmates forgot his CAC and wallet.......it was bad!  We wrapped his wallet in duct tape, then covered that in peanut butter, and then covered it in more duct tape.  It was pretty funny watching his undo our mess. Haha.
 We soaked and planted our puzzle.  Yes you read that correctly.  We soaked our puzzle pieces for 24 hours and then planted them in a pot.  Hopefully soon we'll see some flowers or something.  Maybe it'll grow another puzzle.
We love Blue Monster in our flight room.  It's all the energy with none of the sugar......Amazing!
  I bought a frame this week and put some velcro on it so I have somewhere to put all my patches.  I saw someone else with this idea and I liked it.  It came out pretty nice.  I have a few more patches but ran out of velcro.
Last night was another drop night.  Those are always fun.  We went with our neighbors.
 Today I was cutting the grass and I cut a snakes head off.  Yea, a snake was in our backyard!  I HATE snakes! I thought that we just had to worry about wild deer, skunks and scorpions.....not SNAKES!  Damn!
Today we drove to Uvadle, TX (1hr 15min away) just to go to a Taco Bell.  Is that ridiculous?  apparently we don't think so.  Haha.  It was pretty good.  It's funny, we live right next to Mexico, we have great local authentic Mexican food, yet we drive over an hour for Mexican fast food. We have problems.

Pray for good weather.

BTW. 16 Apr was this blogs one year anniversary!!!  Yaayyyy!!!!  I have made 56 posts to date.  So that's a little better than one a week.  Not too shabby.  I can't believe that I even have enough to say every week.  Thanks to everyone that reads the blog every week.  A a special thanks to everyone that posts comments.  I check everyday for comments on here.  Some weeks I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself if there are no comments down here.  So thanks for everyone for the comments.  Ans now I'm just rambling on and on so I'll stop typing. 

OK...., now I will.


  1. Coy,

    You dont know me and I dont know you....funny way to start a comment off! Anyways, I found this blog from the AFBlues site, very much enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to more. Always wanted to be a pilot in the air force but having a business degree and not being above a 3.0 prevented me. Very jealous! But I get to live through your blog ;)

  2. Haha. I have a business degree and graduated college with a 2.3GPA....anything is possible.

  3. As you know, I read these regularly. Often you post just after I have checked, so I don't see it for a day or so. We'll be watching for your track selection! And MAYBE, if you ask nicely, we can even stop at Uvalde's Taco Bell on the way in next time, as long as you don't care if your food gets cold. :)

  4. But you went through ROTC as well. VCU didnt have one, just Army ROTC and they were shutting it down. Everything happens though for a reason.

  5. Looks like you hit a checkered garter snake ... not poisonous, but definitely makes your heart beat faster if you're not fond of reptiles :-)

  6. Love the posts and miss you both! We are happy you are doing great and having fun at it. Love ya bunches...the Kee's

  7. always look forward to your posts. living vicarously.

    ole AFdude

  8. Can't wait to see the puzzle flowers! Good luck with your new flight schedule. HOPE THE WEATHER CLEARS UP BEFORE WE GET THERE ON SAT. P.M. CALL YOU LATER


  9. i'm still laughing at the wallet!! too funny!!!! fly high this week brother!!! Almost done T-6's forever!! So proud!!!!

    Kristen- We're going to need an entire post dedicated to the rainbow vaccuum. :)

    Wish I could come with Mamma Oddo!!!
    love you!!!

  10. Kristen, You put the whole puzzle in 1 pot? Hmmmm... The puzzle needs water to grow (it looked a little dry) but make sure you don't water too much!

    I'm still laughing w/ Mia about the wallet too!!!

