17 January 2011

Atlanta still.....

360 picture that my phone can take....pretty cool huh?
It snowed over here...and the whole city shut down for 5 days.  Seriously.  At least my sim building is in walking distance.  Atlanta has NO snow removal equipment......so it all just melted a little in tne daytime and then froze into ice.  You can go ice skating on the interstates here.  It makes you appreciate city's public works/streets department.
Congrats Auburn..., next year is LSU's year
Auburn won the National Championship.  GO SEC!!!  But Cam Newton is looking more and more like a criminal.  Shame on you Auburn!

A cutout of one of our engines
All of last week I was going to work (death by Power Point) from 8am till 5pm.  It was awesome!  I felt like corporate America or something...Haha.

Kristen got here on Thursday.  Its really nice that she was close enough to be able to drive over here and hang out for a while.  Some of the dudes that are here with me are from Japan or California and to bring their wives here would be a HUGE task.  So I'm excited that I have Kristen here with me.
We were safe because we were wearing black (no gang colors)
Saturday when I got off of work we went to a laudromat.  It was so funny.  There is no public use machines in my hotel so it was necessary.  We ended up in the ghetto washing clothes.  Haha.  I love life's stories.

After that we went to a nice mall in Buckhead (a nice area).  It was a really nice mall.  But the weirdest thing.  I think that its a huge meeting spot for gay black men.  Yeah..., there were A LOT of them there.  All just hanging out and hugging each other "hello".  Haha.  That kind of stuff doesn't really bother me but it was still awkward in the mall.  Haha.
The good ole' regulars
This is the room with the free drinks
Cheers Mr. Coke inventor
 Sunday was my only day off here in Atlanta.  So Kristen and I made the most of it.  We went to the Coca-Cola factory first.  Atlanta is where Coke was invented.  It was really neat to see a little of the history.  At the end of the tour we were able to taste all of Coke's products.  There are 160 of them.  Kristen and I drank about 60 of them before we started to get sick of it.  Haha.
We rode the worlds largest free standing escalator!
Next we went to CNN headquarters.  It was neat to see that.  We didn't know who the "famous" reporters were at the studio but it was pretty cool anyway.
My simulator
Today I started my simulators.  Yaaayyy!!!  At least I feel like I'm doing something over here.  Except that my start time is at 0230hrs....that 2:30am people!!!  Agghh. That is ridiculous.  I had a lot of fun though today.  The King Air 350 is awesome! Its a dream machine.  I have sims everyday this week and weekend.  My checkride is Sunday.  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you & Kristen are able to spend some time together....keep each other warm....love you both.....love the blog MAMA ODDO
