04 March 2012

C-5B school in San Antonio!

Gotta love the Saints...., and a franchise tag on Drew Brees...?  C'mon man!
It's been a while since I've written a blog.  Kristen wrote one two weeks ago, thanks babe!  To be fair, we didn't have internet the first two and half weeks we were here.
So at first we started enjoying San Antonio (the first two weeks).  And since then our weekends have been full of other stuff to do.

Within the first 24 hours my mom came to visit us, which was fun.  We played tourist in the city and had a good time that weekend.

The next weekend we had all to ourselves but the weather was terrible.  So we just watched TV and rented a movie..... boring, but it's always good to spend time with Kristen.
My mom bought Dallas and the in-laws three dogs toys..., see, she's a dog lover...
Funny faces
The happy couple
Then two weekends ago Kristen and I went back to New Orleans for my sisters couples shower.  She's getting married in two months!  We're so happy for Mia and Matt.  It wasn't to long ago we were on our own journey to our wedding.  Those were really fun times in our lives and I know that Mia and Matt are enjoying themselves right now too.
Unfortunately, this weekend my Saturday and Sunday were taken up by the Air Force..., ughh..  Oh well.  You win some and you lose some.  I had a intel and tactics "school" day on Saturday.  We went out with my classmates that night to a hockey game.
chem gear
On Sunday I had a "How to survive a chemical/biological/missle attack" class.  Luckily on Sunday I was let out by noon.  It was a beautiful day so we decided to go check out this animal wildlife place that we've heard of.  It was a blast!
As you can see, we had a great time.  The weather was awesome.  We even went through it a second time.
It's hard to see in this picture..., but in the park we go run in there are deer EVERYWHERE!
Kristen and I have been running and walking a lot over here.  It's so much fun to work out with your wife.  Kristen likes going to the track and running there and I'm the kind of person who likes to run all around.  Sometimes we go running on base and sometimes we go off base.  We both agree that we like to run three miles, usually, but we have to switch between our two locations to keep us both happy.
So what has my school been like so far you ask?  It's been like drinking through a fire hose, haha.  Actually the first few weeks was a lot of death by powerpoint.  I have flown five sims now.  Those are fun.  I have 25 total sims and then 5 or 7 flights (I think) in the real airplane.  My instructors are all retired C-5 pilots and they just LOVE the C-5.  They'll brag all day about how our plane is the greatest cargo plane of all time and I'm finding it hard to disagree with them....., the plane is a BEAST!
I'm getting addicted to Starbucks..., it's not a good thing.
We got Dallas some snow shoes in preparation for the snow next winter in Delaware.  She HATES them!  But they're so cute.  She kicks out her back legs every step..., it's the funniest thing.

Kristen being here everyday when I get home has been so nice.  She is the best wife I could have ever asked for.  She has had a rough life the past year and a half with no "stable" place to call our "home".  She didn't have to come here to san Antonio with me.  I wanted her to to try and make things as normal as possible.  But it's hard to do that here in a large hotel room.  It's kinda sad.  I wish I could do more for her, but it's the life that we choose.  It won't always be like this.  Once we get to Delaware we'll be there for a few years and then move again probably two more times till I retire and we get to finally settle down somewhere.  I just wanted to let everyone know how awesome Kristen is.  She puts up with a lot from me and the Air Force.  She deserves the Best Wife Ever Award!  Kristen will be heading back to New Orleans for at least a month to because she has a ton of obligations coming up in the next month (she's in three upcoming weddings).  It will be tough being away from her but it we're pretty good at the Skype relationship thing, I mean, we just did it for seven months..., what's two more months tacked on to that?!
This is perfect!
This was too funny not to re-post
Till next time..., See ya'!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Coy, glad you're back on American soil. Great to read a new blog from you. That zoo looks like fun and the video of the ostrich was funny. Watching it nose dive through the window to grab snacks. Dallas's snow shoes were fun to watch as well. Trying to kick them off. And I absolutely agree with you. You have the greatest wife around. Glad technology gave us Skype and the net. Good picture of your mom. I have not seen her since Kristin's wedding which is almost a year now. March 19th is her 1st wedding anniversary. Wishing you the best of everything. Uncle Jack
