14 September 2009

The Guidry's visit

late 2 weeks in a row? Com' on!

Last weekend Kristen's parents came to visit (and the two dogs). It was a lot of fun. We like having visitors. They were our second visitors. I believe there is a lot to do, and to know when you have people over. Kristen and I are on a hard learning curve..., but I think we are getting better at having company over each time someone new comes over.

The Guidry's got here and I had BBQ waiting for them....That was pretty much it for the first night. The next day I had work and everyone else at the house likes to sleep in ...so it worked out well. We went to Lake Amistad on Friday afternoon.... nothing special, no boat rental, no fishing, just looking. We ate a lot of Julio's salsa while they were here.

Kristens iPhone crapped out on Friday and the closest apple store is in San Antonio. So we went there and then to The Riverwalk and Dick's to eat (it's a restaurant that basically makes fun of you and you pay for it), and then the Alamo. Weirdest thing.... The Air Force is small. At the Alamo, I ran into my good friend Oliver and his family, and we were all wearing our purple and gold for them Tigers! PS, I didn't know we were supposed to smile for that picture.

Dallas loved playing with the other dogs. I know she misses them (she lived with them for five months). Mr. Dennis took a lot of pictures. I took them on a quick tour of the base. I got stopped at the front gate and had to give a pee test...haha.... yeah, a pee test. It took an hour and a half! It was ridiculous! But, during that time Kristen and her mom spent some QT together shopping and Mr. Dennis was able to relax at the house.... so it all worked out for the best.

I thought that my mom and her husband were coming to visit this weekend... but I must have had my dates messed up. So Kristen and I had a nice weekend to ourselves. Mom is coming next weekend. There is a 'drop night' on Friday of this week that I'll take her to. A 'drop night' is two weeks before your class gets your wings here at pilot training. The nights intentions are to let you.., and everyone else there know what plane, and what base you'll be going to after graduation. But basically is a night of beer and making fun of pilots on stage at the O club. It's awesome! My mom will laugh at it I'm sure.


  1. ): i want to go to the wing party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow...Oliver you look so short compared to Coy.

  3. What about this pee test??? Don't they know who you are by now? Love the pics of the dogs...Dallas is getting huge. Hope you had fun with Mom & Bill...just no politics...right? Need to post pics of all of y'll together. Love you guys, Mama Oddo

  4. testing testing.....lol
