07 September 2009

Three days late!

I know, I know.... Three days late. I won't let it happen again.

Last weekend my dad and his wife came to visit. Yay! Our first visitors!!! It was very nice. On Saturday I took them on a small tour of the base. There is not much to see here on a Saturday....but oh well. Then a tour of Del Rio. They were a bit surprised at the amount of stores and stuff that we have here. It's not that bad (we got a Wal-Mart). Then we took them to the lake, and then to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ponchos.

On Sunday we went to church and then they drove back to Houston. It was real nice to see them and entertain.

At the beginning of this week I flew to N. Carolina for Col. Collins memorial service. I am so glad that I decided to do that. It helped me with my grieving. I really looked up to him and I am going to miss him.

The service was nice. It was at a Lutheran church (it was my first time in a Lutheran church..., nothing special, just like a Catholic church if you were ever wondering). There were sooooo many uniformed officers there. And to think..., I was proud to show off my measly five ribbons on my service dress... haha. The officers there had a whole racks FULL of combat and service ribbons. It just helps me keep my head from swelling I guess. I was the lowest ranking officer there so I was saluting a lot. It was all good though. To end the ceremony there was a Huey helicopter fly-over. On the first pass the flew slow and sideways with the side door open hanging an American flag out of the door. Then they faded into the distance.... only to come raging back for one final low high speed pass. IT....WAS.....AWESOME! That was the same helicopters that he taught in for years..., and the same helicopters that he got me a ride in while in Alabama. Col. Collins was an awesome man! -Cheers.

On Thursday night I had my league over for our draft (that's right , my league, I'm the organizer and commissioner of my very own fantasy football league). It was a lot of fun. I BBQ'd and Kristen made oriental coleslaw and desert. And there was some adult beverage involved. It was a lot of fun. My team is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. yayyyy for a short study break! thanks!! you've always been my favorite brother. :)

    Matt said if that case of miller lite is still not open, can you fed ex it to him???
