29 May 2010

TONE Dollar ride!!!

 Last weekend we went to San Antonio to buy some new running shoes (and just to get out of Del Rio).  And on the way back from there my truck rolled over 100,000 miles!  Yaaayyy!!!!  I love my truck.  And Kristen's car looks nice too.
We had a bad storm roll through Del Rio this week.  It was so hard to sleep through.  krsten really didn't sleep. Especially when the tornado warning sirens kept going off.  She took Dallas and hid in the closet.  I just tried to sleep through it.  A few trees and telephone/electricity poles came down on base.  It was pretty bad.  There was no hail here on base but some did fall around here because all sorts of "HAIL REPAIR" businesses popped up over night.
I had my dollar ride on Friday!  It was awesome!  Its my first "real" plane to fly.  That meaning......, if I were a civilian pilot, the plane that I am flying could be flying around celebrities.  Its a nice jet.  Its so powerful!  And I have two engines now.  Which feels a lot safer.  Haha.  I don't have any pictures because I can't take any pictures while in the jet.

I have a flight Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and a sim on Friday.  On day one of T-1's they told us that we could expect to fly two to three times a week and one sim.  Haha.  I am one flight/sim ahead of anyone else in my class.  I don't know why that always happens to me.  They say that pilot training is like trying to drink from a fire hose...... I think they just turned on the fire hose again.  And I can't drink this fast......

Sorry so short this week.  And no youtube videos......that sucks.  I'll have to do better next week.  Big week again this week. 

1 comment:

  1. dollar ride!!!! cool stuff. love ya!!!
    Hope y'all are having fun this weekend with the Guidrys!
